use ↔ to navigate did you get the
#flu this year? do you know
###anyone else who did ? I'm gussing
#YES I kept hearing how bad it was this year
and wanted to
#see and #compare
for myself ![backgrounds](../img/app-landing.png "background") [this]( "Grippe-Narrative")
is what I came up with Whoa - that's cool!
How did I #DO that? #D3 js What is #D3 js? #d ata
#d riven
#d ocuments ##created by
###Mike Bostock
(NYTimes) but first, a little
###housekeeping my name is #Adam Roberts
and I build ##spatial applications
for [SpatialDev]( "SpatialDev")
and as a ##freelancer I also started the
[alpine chapter]( "Maptime-Alpes") of
[#Maptime!]( "is totally awesome") You should tell
##more people about us!!! Back to #D3 js... #Documents SVGs are ##human readable,
which works well for us because
###we aren't computers ![circles](../img/3simpleCircles.png "inline") #Data ![scatter](../img/Scatterplot.png "background") So you can write a ###simple SVG.
how about
#a scatterplot with 150 points ?
[demo]( "iris scatterplot") #Driven Unlike other
visualization workflows,
#D3 ##binds (joins) the data
to the actual
###document components the ##circle we saw
###isn't just a circle
with x,y and r.
it is the #data
that defined the ##circle ![circles](../img/3complexCircles.png "background") change the #data
change the ##circle so back to our ##app... we have our
##data ![data](../img/data.png "background") let's look at the
###timeline ![timeline](../img/timeline.png "background") we have a #line,
several ##circles
and some ###text #line
![line](../img/line.png "inline") ##circles
![line](../img/circles.png "inline") ###text
![line](../img/text.png "inline") did you see
where we ##bound the #data
to each ###component ? now for the
#map ![map](../img/map.png "background") #D3 is going to make an
###svg polygon
for ##each region with #region name
##bound to the ###svg we load the ##data
![dataload](../img/dataload.png "inline") define the ###projection
![projection](../img/proj.png "inline") and define the #map
![dataload](../img/region.png "inline") on to the
##narrative/charts ![narrative](../img/narrative.png "background") this part is ####cool
becasue we used
#D3 to add ###HTML ![narrative code](../img/narr-code.png "inline") also ####cool
because we used
the #data to make
##lots of charts
![week-append](../img/week-append.png "inline") what about
the #interaction? we use #D3 selections to
##tie our
###components together ![selections](../img/selections.png "background") did you catch
the part where
we #changed the
##region ###colors? ![choropleth](../img/choro.png "inset") ##Resources
*[D3 documentation](
*[Jason Davies](
*[Jason Davies!](
*[Let's Make a Map](
*[Americas Cup Final](
*[examples]( #Sources
*[Circles demos](
*[Some intro text](
*[Grippe-Narrative inspiration]( ##Thanks!